
Resource Use Policy

Kaliachak College has a distinct resource use policy. The material resources it possesses include its
own campus area, college building, Learning infrastructure, games infrastructure, Supportive
infrastructure. On the other hand human resource includes Students, Faculty, and supportive staff.
A. Learning Resources: These are meant for teaching and learning purposes in this college.
Classrooms are used as per it's requirement. No classroom is blocked for a definite purpose or
subject. The same classrooms are used by different departments depending on the availability
and requirements. However, on special occasions these infrastructures are lent for other
institutions like the affiliating university, central and state agencies and even local NGOs for the
greater interest of the society. But utmost care is taken to restrict the allotment of ordinary
rooms only. In no circumstances modern education technologies like the LCD projector,
computer, internet, smart class room sound system and power backup system are allowed for
external use. The fees/rent as settled by the authority is follows:

1. Play Ground: Rs. 1000/- per day
2. Ordinary Class rooms and premises: Rs. 1000/- per day

B. The six labs including Computer and language, college possesses, are strictly for the teaching
and learning of the students in regular and distance mode along with the faculties. During
examination of the affiliated university the students allotted for Kaliachak College Centre are
also allowed to use the respective labs for their practical examination. However, the authority is
trying to provide the extended laboratory facility to the local scholars and people for their
needs like testing of drinking water, soil testing, and test for Sericulture and agri-horticulture
diseases etc.
C. The Library is made available to all the students of regular and distance mode and faculty
members for reading and borrowing purposes between 11 to 5.00 PM on all working days.
They are penalized with a nominal fine for delayed return of the borrowed books. Open stage
access is only allowed for the faculties. The passed out students, alumni and students from
other institutions who desired to use the library may read their preferred books in the reading
room during the working hours. But they are not allowed to borrow the books.
D. Among the games & sports infrastructures Kaliachak College shares its play ground with local
society. The local children may play in the field freely after the college hours. But for any
external institutional use they are to submit a written application to the college authority
E. Conference Hall may be allowed for external use for a nominal fee fixed only for the definite
purpose of welfare for the students in particular and society as a whole.
F. The campus Resources like fruit bearing Litchi and mango orchard, Tick wood trees, Pond are
used for the purpose of monetary resource mobilization of the institution.
G. Human Resource: Especially faculty Members and support staff are being utilized very
efficiently. The authority usually tries to utilize the inner skill of a staff and accordingly they are

allotted their duties. As there is crying need of skilled hand in different respect of HEI, the
authority, sometimes, allots duties to both faculties and office staff work for the neighbouring
colleges, affiliating university as well as the central and state agencies like WBCSC, WBSSC,
Directorate of Census, Election Commission etc. NCC & NSS volunteers are encouraged to take